Tuesday 27 October 2009

Cuppacakes by +Wondermilk - Another Food Art Find

Some years ago, my sister made us drive to this house in Damansara Uptown (Area), Petaling Jaya (City), Selangor (State), Malaysia to order cupcakes for her birthday. This unassuming corner house was the headquarters of a blossoming small home business that was about to open their first store. They are called Cuppacakes by +Wondermilk. The cupcakes turned out beautifully and their designs simply beautiful. So pretty that you don't even want to take one out to ruin the whole look!

I recently visited their website again after being sent the link from my sister. Their new designs are amazing! Their concept of selling a box of cupcakes and creating a theme from that rather than based on individual cupcakes is unique and progressive. That was the only word I could think of to explain 'constantly evolving'.

They have themes of special occassions, holidays, celebrations and even one for Twilight! But my favourite from their mainpage has to be 'Ulat Bulu In Love'. I have cheekily copied their pic of that theme of cupcakes onto here. : ) Tell me they aren't Food Art!

P/S: They taste yummy too!


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