Tuesday 13 May 2008

Ryu - My Memory (Piano Sheet Music)

There are two versions of 'My Memory' that I'm uploading here. I actually have another version that you could say is a more flowery version with quite a few thrills and sounds a bit nicer. However, this is a simpler version of the original version that is easy to play.

The second version is in C Major and the most obvious scene this is used in is when Min Hyung goes to Jun Sang's house in Choon Cheon. It starts when he walks through the green gate. Very nice accompaniment. Enjoy.


go_jeng said...

thz man !^^

x said...

Hi there! Do you have guitar tab/chords for this song? If you do, it'd be great if you could post it in your blog!

Anonymous said...

can u plz post the other versions? it's okay if it's hard bc i want my piano teacher to teach me....but i am in grade 7 piano already so she won't let me play easy songs. Thank chu!!<3

Ellane May said...

how do I download it?

Clara said...

HAAAAAAAAAAY !!!! MUCHAS MUCHAS MUCHAAAAAAAAAS GRACIAAAAAAAAS !!!! Me di vuelta internet para buscarla ;) me hize una cuenta solo para ver el post y descargarla ^^ jeje. De verdad, muchas gracias !